Do I feel that I blame the WTS for everything bad in my life.
But do i blame them for alot of things in my life before I got out of it
I blame them for giving my parents a narrow minded view of people.
I blame them for taking away their freedom of choice and replacing it with a FEAR of God's vengance.
I blame them for thinking they have all the answers to world and personal problems.
And I blame them because . all that.. was then transferred over into ME! as a baby and then as a young child and then as an adolescent and then as a young person and then for part of my adult life.
I blame them for closed doors that I couldn't look into and make my own decisions on because as J.W.'s you are not given much opportunity to make decisions. without runing to an elder or a publication.
I blame them, because the love of my parents was CONDITIONAL upon my remaining a J.W.
I blame them for spending so much of my life making JUDGEMENTS on people.
No I don't blame them for everything wrong in my life...if I choose not to wear a seatbelt in my car and have an accident.. I will not blame them.
You seem to start alot of topic threads minimus.. Are you a therapist by any chance..and are helping us all explore our recovery through this. (Not asked in a bad way.. I was just looking over all your topic postings that's all.. and they all seem like .. searching our inner turmoils.. and bringing them out to the surface to look at. .. and by the way.. that is not a bad thing.
It would be interesting to start a post on "Are there things about you in your life that you are thankful for because of previously being a Jehovah's Witness...".and see how the comments stack up.
I think you would get lots on that thread too.. But I think the cons for being a J.W. would outweight the pros.
Special K.